Ra - the Crawler of Dungeons and Guild Berserker........By RaGooood Evening all.
The venture of which I speak is the delving into the depths of the earth to rouste all the heathen and undead, awaken them and slay em fer good. That said Some foolish adventurers have folowed me to the depths of Wrong (to find naught of interest) and now it seems Covetous is the next Dungeon to be routed out. Last night I with Halfhitch, most revered swordsman and teetering mage, and Nogobad, Warrior of note, ventured into this dark cave. Well after an almighty battle with several Harpies and some Serps things heated up a bit and the Cavalry (BLOODY Horses always stinking up the place) (you sound like Lucas...EH) Alfie and Ben came charging in, swords to the ready. After slaying all the harpies we eventually decide to move on through, but discovered another party of adventures slaying some Water Elementals (hhhmmmm nice cash) - Ra charges onward deeper into the dungeon (like the mad nutter he is...EH) only to be called back by one of our party who was standing in a corner with a wet leg mumbling something about can't face a Gazer. So I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and marched him up to one and left him to deal with his Demons. I think he now keeps Gazers as pets so fond is he of the little lookers. Well we did not venture any deeper I believe some Liches lie further down in the caves and shortly a new venture will be announced delving in to rout these evil undead. I gained some top Healing skills and should be able to res now all I need is to find a ghost (any volunteers for training outside the guildhouse) also are there any Tinkers in the Guild I require a strong supply of Lockpicks ( and will pay of course ) and a GM lockable trapped chest (dart trapped - please) as to increase my lockpick and remove trap skills. Speak Soon Ra - Dungeon Crawler |